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7 Ways to Reset for the New Year

In this blog, I will be sharing my 5 tips for resetting for the New Year.

It can be so overwhelming to reset your home, mind and body after the holidays. You may have been eating bad, your house became a black hole of wrapping paper, new toys and dishes and your mind is now way overstimulated. I have mastered the act of resetting in just 5 easy steps.

1. Put Those Christmas Decorations Away

The first step is to get rid of all the decoration so your house feels fresh and you can start from the beginning. This time of year a lot of stores have storage containers on sale. It is so easy to just toss all of your decor into totes and forget about it until next Christmas. Go get yourself some totes and store about your decorations correctly. You will thank yourself so much next Christmas. I label my bins and separate them by room. This helps me to remember where I had decorations at for the next year.

2. Clean out the Fridge and Pantry

If you’re anything like me, you have a refrigerator full of leftovers from the holidays. You aren’t going to eat them so just toss them. I have a hard time convincing myself that we aren’t going to eat them so they end up sitting in there for weeks, just get rid of them. It is also a good time to get rid of those Christmas desserts. If you’re going to start a New Years Resolution of eating healthy, this is an important step. It is so much easier to not indulge in sweets when they are out of the house. Out of sight, out of mind.

This is also the best time to go through all of those condiments and get rid of all the expired stuff. Once you’re done, pull out all of the stuff you’re keeping and clean all the shelves and drawers. It always feels so nice to have a nice, clean refrigerator and makes going to the grocery store so much easier.

Once you’re done, move over to the pantry. It is time to toss all the bag of chips have been opened and all of the expired snacks. It’s also a great time to get rid of all the canned foods that have sat in your pantry all year and haven’t even been thought about. if they’re not expired, food pantries would be grateful to have them.

3. Declutter your Closet

It is amazing how many clothes you acquire over the year and don’t even realize it. With the gifting season, you may have received new clothes or shoes. This is the perfect time to get rid of the clothes that don’t fit or are shoved to the back of the closet.

I have heard of so many people flipping their hangers backwards at the beginning of the year and then at the end of the year. The clothes that are still flipped backwards are the clothes you should get rid of. Every year I say I’m going to do this and never do, so this year I am making it number one on my to do list. If you have done this, please let me know how well it works for you!

4. Start the Cleaning

Cleaning your house clean can be next to impossible if you have kids or you work full-time. Don’t overwhelm yourself. One room a day and you should have your house pretty clean by the end of the week. By taking on one room a day helps you to be more intentional with cleaning. The four things I focus on when cleaning are: vacuuming, mopping, cleaning the baseboards and cleaning the counters. If I focus on these four things, I don’t get as distracted in the cleaning goes a little faster.

I know you’re going to say, “by the end of the week, my kids will have ruined all of my progress”. I started having a 5 to 10 minute “closing shift” at the end of each night. This means I walk around and pick up and put away the toys or the clutter that appeared over the day. This doesn’t have to be a full-blown cleaning, but it helps limit the amount of time I spend cleaning the next day.

5. To-do List

I know people like to make a list of resolutions or goals they want to meet in the next year but every year I don’t meet my goals and it can be somewhat depressing. So if you’re anything like me instead of doing that, I am just making a to-do list.

I want to take this new year one day at a time. By having a to do list, it helps me to remember things I would like to do, but it takes away the pressure of failing.

6. Get Rid of Negativity

I truly believe the best way to reset before the new year is to ward off any negativity. This could just be unfollowing or unfriending anyone who brings any negativity into your life. It doesn’t even have to just be people being negative towards you, it could just be people who make a lot of negative comments on Facebook or Instagram. There is no sense in bringing that into the new year with you. Many times you don’t even notice how reading negative comments can drain your battery and fill you with negativity.

Life can be hard all on its own. In 2024, we are becoming the best version of ourselves. We are learning to love ourselves, be comfortable with in our skin, and spread happiness and positivity to those around us.

7. Buy a New Outfit

As we were looking for ways to take control of the new year, it is important to remember to put ourselves first. Shopping can be hard, especially if you can never find something you like your body. Starting the new year off with a brand new outfit that hugs your body in all the right places can be the perfect place to start loving yourself.

If you are looking to start a fitness journey, getting a new outfit at the beginning of the year can be a perfect incentive. It can be used to look back at when the year is all over to see all of your progress. it is also much much much easier to work out in a cute outfit.

I hope you enjoyed reading my seven tips on how to reset for the new year.

Like always, please leave some questions or comments!

